Pint of Science festival – 15th May 2024!

Skyrmionics loves Outreach! Last week, we showcased our work on neuromorphic computing with magnetic skyrmions to a general audience as part of the 2024 Pint of Science festival, which took place at Station South in Levenshulme (In the picture above, the Skyrmionics team member Will Griggs is introducing nanoscale skyrmionic synapses). Equipped with an IPA (an “Invigorating Presentation Approach”, of course) , Will addressed the issue of high energy consumption amidst the rapid growth of AI, elaborating on our strategy for designing nanoscale non-volatile spintronics devices aimed at fostering more sustainable intelligent technologies through Brain-inspired computing. It was a fantastic opportunity to communicate key results from our work at the NanoΣky team and contribute to the widening public discussion on all things AI. The audience were additionally treated to… brew…tiful presentations on The Intelligence Showdown: Machine Learning vs Cognitive Robotics from Federico Tavella and BL!NK: Augmenting contact lenses with sensors by Aayush Chadha.

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